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13 février 2005

Tribute to an old big leader

----- Original Message -----
From: Chung Ming Wu
To: fabrice.demurger
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 2:45 AM
Subject: Re: little help

Wonderful!  Sounds great!  You're really good at it, and I'm sure you'll find something good!
No news from other TNE team members...  haven't heard from any of them, actually...

----- Original Message -----
From: fabrice.demurger
To: Chung Ming Wu
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2002 6:04 AM
Subject: Re: little help

Hi Jon !
I'm confident about the issue of this (fourth) last date. This time, I've been evaluated on my creativity abilities (i had to rough out a level, from the game design document of the project). I saw in their eyes -and they told me too - that they were convinced by my work. Bringing some screenshots of Casino was a good thing. They'll give me the final answer in the next few weeks. I'll tell you =)
BTW, do you have news of the other TNE team members ? Do you know what becomes everybody ?

----- Original Message -----
From: Chung Ming Wu
To: fabrice.demurger
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2002 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: little help

Any words yet?

----- Original Message -----
From: fabrice.demurger
To: Chung Ming Wu
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2002 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: little help

A big big thank you Jon !
I got your mail at 6:00 AM and I'll meet the Infogrames producer this afternoon... So it's just on time =)
I'm sure those picts will help.
Thanks again, friend !
Of course, i'll tell you everything !
Have a nice day =)

----- Original Message -----
From: Chung Ming Wu
To: fabrice.demurger
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2002 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: little help

I found SW full version online, so I downloaded and took a few screenshots.  They are attached.
I really hope this is not too late!!  If it is, I'm very sorry...  But hopefully this will help.
Let me hear some good news!!

----- Original Message -----
From: fabrice.demurger
To: Jonathan Wu
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 7:38 AM
Subject: little help

Hi Jon,
Unfortunately, I lost anything about TNE... It would be great If you could send me screenshots of levels I worked on : Life is Bigger, Casino, part of MI5 room.
Differents viewes (outside, inside, overview and détailed view, 640*480 - jpg, something like that) would be the best. But any screenshots would help.
I ask you that as I will meet next monday (yes that's short) the producer of Infogrames who contacted me for a job of game designer. As i never used 3DSmax (the tool that will be used to create the game so that's a bad point), I 'd like to show him what I was able to do with Build.
I hope you 'll be able to do that for me... It could be a big big help to get the job.
BTW, howdy ?
I forgot to tell you i've no news of Eidern, even don't know how to reach him =(

----- Original Message -----
From: Jonathan Wu
To: fabrice.demurger
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: Hello from a (very) old friend

Hello Fab!
Ah, the joy of nostalgia!  Of reminiscence!  How good it is to hear from an old friend!
I am now 18, and I believe it's been 3 years or so since we last talked!  I am now (finally!) going to college...  In fact, I'm attending University of California at Berkeley as a Freshman, studying electrical engineering and computer science.  I love it!  College is just right for me -- so much intellectual stimulation, it's really exciting.  No more boring high school stuff };-)
So I just finished playing through Tonight Never Ends -- it feels great to play it again.  I was amazed at how much we accomplished (and found a few more level bugs!  Damn lazy beta-testers! };-)  But more than anything, it stirred up memories of the great time we had making this, the hours we spent late at night chatting online about it (well, late at night for me -- it's probably afternoon or something in France)...  And suddenly, I had the urge to keep in touch...  Hence, the letter.
It wasn't easy finding this email address either, since I've lost the last email you sent me a long time ago during a terrible hard drive meltdown of some sort.  So I had to go online and search for the name "Fabrice Demurger", hoping that there aren't many names like that.  Well, the website I found was in French, so I couldn't really deduce if you're the Fab I know...  But since the website features a picture of a Quake guy, I thought that if it's game-related, it's probably you.  I got lucky and found you! };-)
I haven't touched games for a while now.  Well, I've played a few, but always only as a gamer, and never as a builder/creator again.  Guess I didn't have the patience to get into 3D-editing, though I would still like to. 
What about you?  How have you been doing?  And how is your child doing?  It's your turn to tell me everything!
(BTW, have you kept in touch with Eidern?  I have much worse luck with finding his email address)

----- Original Message -----
From: fabrice.demurger
To: Jonathan Wu
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 3:31 AM
Subject: Re: Hello from a (very) old friend

Hi hi hi the Grape !!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, that's me !
I tried several times to reach you, last years, without success...
Very pleased to hear from you again =)
So, you first... What's up ? Tell me everything !

----- Original Message -----
From: Jonathan Wu
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 11:15 AM
Subject: Hello from a (very) old friend

Hello Fab,
This is Jonathan...  or, The Grape...  You might not remember me, and I'm not even sure if you are the Fab I remember...
The Fab I am thinking of is one who worked with me before on a TC for Shadow Warrior called Tonight Never Ends...  He builds really wonderful levels.  Does that ring any bell?  Is that you?
I just really wanted to say hello, for old time's sake...  Yes, I suppose I'm feeling a bit nostalgic };-)  If you are who I hope you are, please respond!
Best of luck,
llibrary yales sops workbook seafood dkeaza seton bundesbahn hamas crash foregoing
He les gars, vous avez mal chercé si vous essayez de me retrouver alors!! J'ai jamais changé de pseudo exprès ! :(
Héhé merci les gars =)<br /> Message commenté : Tribute to an old big leader<br /> <br /> En fouillant dans mes vieux cd, j'ai retrouvé ça :<br /> Et comme je sais que je peux compter sur votre indulgence, et que le oldskool ne vous fait pas peur, je suis en train d'uploader ceci rien que pour vous :<br /> C'est du standalone, donc pas besoin du jeu original. Ya un lanceur pour Win 98, mais sinon, faudra passer par un emulateur DOS. J'ai bossé sur MI-16 (la salle de contrôle), Life is Bigger (2ème ou 3ème map du mode solo - trouver la sortie est un challenge pour coregamer), et sur Casino (map multi dont l'architecture atteint la limite du nombre de vertices supporté par le moteur).<br /> Build, ça déchirait trop ça maire ^^
Yeah Shadow warrior, j'avais délaissé duke nukem pour y jouer, c'était terrible, j'avais même harcellé un pote pour faire des parties a deux par modem été 98 je crois, résultat on s'était bien éclaté. Mais SW était déjà une sorte de TC de duke nukem 3D, je savais pas qu'il y avait des TC de SW. Tiens j'lai encore dans sa boite rouge, à côté de Half-Life :)<br /> <br /> Je connais pas tes travaux en tant que level designer solomonk, mais j'me joins à bob le pointu, on veut les screens ! =)
On sent l'homme heureux. ( Je t'ai déja dit que j'étais admiratif devant ta maîtrise de Build Editor il me semble ). <br /> <br /> Et les screenshots ?